What Color Is Your Parachute? 2009: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

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The #1 best-selling career book of all time, revised and updated to keep pace with today's ever-changing job market.Still the best-selling job-hunting book in the world, WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? is the most complete guide for first-time job seekers as well as second and encore careers changers. For more than three decades, it remains a mainstay on best-seller lists, from Amazon.com to Business Week to the New York Times, where it has spent more than six years, and it has been translated into 20 languages. The 2009 edition is an even more useful book, with its updated, inspiring, and detailed plan for changing readers' lives. With new examples, instructions, and cautionary advice, PARACHUTE is, to quote Fortune magazine, "the gold standard of career guides." Visit the What Color Is Your Parachute? JOB-HUNTER'S RESOURCE CENTER for video, useful exercises, job-search advice, and more... Reviews“The newest edition has been rewritten, updated and expanded to offer tools, support and hope to help job-seekers even in the worst of economic times.”–McClatchy-Tribune News Service  "Parachute remains the most complete career guide around . . . It covers all the ground less ambitious guides do, as well as some the others don't, mostly in the realm of the psyche." –Barbara Presley Noble, New York Times  "'It's a Wonderful Life' isn't the only classic people will be enjoying this holiday season. Many folks–actually, tens of thousands...–will find a copy of a classic career planning book under the tree...What Color Is Your Parachute?...has been around so long we forget the author...helped define not only an industry, but a national perspective."–St. Paul Pioneer Press as featured in Amy Lindgren's syndicated career column.“A career-advice juggernaut. The best-selling career guide in history, Parachute has sold over nine million copies, spawned a number of ancillary books (including editions for teens and retirees), and was named by the Library of Congress as one of the 25 books that have shaped readers' lives–putting Bolles in the company of Malcolm X, Robert Louis Stevenson and God, whose own Bible is a perennial bestseller.”–New York PostRecommended by USA Today“The 2008 edition is full of new suggestions, along with the classic advice that continues to hold true today.”–About.com's Job Searching SiteTestimonials for What Color is Your Parachute? “I have three Guerrilla books on Amazon best-seller lists of one kind or another, but none are as high quality as Parachute. Hardly anything ever is.” –Jay Conrad Levinson, author of Guerrilla Marketing “You've done it again (for me)! Using Parachute, I've landed (1) a super job in an Insanely Great company doing wonderful things and (2) spring-boarded into an even better position just one year later within the same company doing exactly what I've always dreamed of. Make another notch in your book binding (or wherever you keep track of these things) because you've made me a runaway success. Kudos to you and all you continue to do for the job hunter/career changer!” –Jon Copeland, Executive Briefing Center, Apple, Inc. “I am a U.S. Marine serving in Iraq…I have recently finished What Color is Your Parachute?, and I was pleasantly surprised how much I learned about myself. I was also grateful to learn that sending out resumes is not the least effective way to get my dream job…Thank you for your book and your time.” –Roger D. Huffstetler, Jr., Cherryville, NC “Two years ago I bought your book on a whim as I was feeling very sorry for myself, career-wise, and was looking for anything that would help…After going through the exercises I realized that teaching is what I should be doing for a living. My first interview after reading the book was for a job installing computers in centres for people with learning difficulties. At the interview I talked about the skills which the book made me realise I had. I was no longer saying what I thought the interviewer wanted me to say, but what I genuinely felt. I was offered and I accepted the job, which I later found out over 270 people applied for…I just wanted to say thank you for all the help your book gave me and I hope it continues to help others.” –Kevin Hickey, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England “First of all my appreciate [sic] of the book What Color is Your Parachute. I have worked through it alone and then decided to join the seminar of John Webb. It changed my life! I started to realize my dreams and I found the happiness I have always been searching for. Now I'd like to share my experiences with many other people. It can be so easy to find happiness, if you know how.” –Tanja Korten, Köln, Germany “I have bought four Parachutes of approximately 1986, 1990, 1996, and 1999 vintages…Your book remains inspirational–even after re-reading over the years. I recommend your book to all job hunters and college graduates I know.” –Nigel Yeung, Singapore “I have been awarded a 10-year contract with the Miami-Dade County Public School System and will be bringing the first Charter Middle School to Miami Beach. The purpose and mission behind the school so that every child knows that they do have a purpose in this world and that they know that and live that. I wonder where I got that from?! I hope this is the first of many schools for I am up to transforming the educational system ion the State of Florida wherever else I can. Once again, thank you, thank you, your work and generosity…will always be with me.” –Gladys Palacio, Miami, FL “I just wanted to thank you and let you know that your book and website have helped me tremendously in preparing for my career (I just graduated from the university). It is from you that I learned how and where to get an effective resume done…It is from you that I came in contact with an outstanding career coach...People like you who do good things deserve praise and blessing.” –Saagar Prajapati “Your book What Color is Your Parachute? had a major influence on my life back in the early 80s…as a result of WCIYP and The Three Boxes of Life I was inspired to attend the University of Oregon College of Human Development and Performance and received a B.S. in Leisure Studies and Services (1985). Today at age 48 my career path has led me [to become] a Recreation Specialist for the Department of Defense for 15 years to military bases around the world…I'd like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your contributions towards enhancing the quality of life for me and my family.” –Doug Buell, Portland, OR “Your book made a big difference in our lives. My husband went through all the exercises in the 70s, made a drastic career change (from engineering to public accounting), we moved to Florida from New York State, and ended up in the Peace Corps. Now we are contemplating retirement and it seems to me that some of the principles in your career books might work in retirement. Retirement is much more daunting than a career change, so please write a What Color is Your Hot Air Balloon as You Sail Into Retirement book!” –Marcia Nielson, Tequesta, FL “Hello! I was first introduced to your book by a friend who knew I was unhappy in my work. I completed it as directed and it literally changed my life. I took steps to pursue a career in something I love–training–and now find myself in the role of assisting others in making career/job choices!” –Faith Sheaaffer-Thornberry, Senior Consultant Human Capital Consulting Group “Thank you sir, you will always remain in my memories and prayers. And I wanted to tell you that I loved your part about [finding your] mission…I am a Muslim and I loved everything you wrote there.” –Sadiq Lakhani, Karachi, Pakistan “Many thanks! …You have been giving and will eternally give so much hope and self-belief, respect, and recognition to millions of human beings around the globe, including myself! –Rudolf H. Messinger Chief, Recruitment & Career Development UNICEF Headquarters “I have just got a new job thanks to you and your book. I had been the head of a professional country club in Australia for eight years and one day had enough and just walked out wanting a career change but not knowing what I wanted to do. ..The flower exercise gave me direction and some ideas of careers to pursue; at the top of my list was auctioneer. …As a result I have just landed a new career in the auction industry. Many thanks for everything that you have done for me.” –Mitchell Hogg, Mont Albert, Australia “Many moons ago I purchased the very first edition of What Color Is Your Parachute?, took your suggestions to heart, did all the exercised, and took action. Now, thirty years later I have my own business which provides unemployment-related support and courses. …Thanks very much for this and all your invaluable work/help over the years. I find that–even with all the information out there about searching for a job–most people are woefully unprepared for it I hope, like you, that we can do our part to change that.” –Ed Osborne Unemploymentville.com ... - from Amzon 
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